When using Creator Subscriptions you will need to make sure that the content you upload to Mixcloud is in line with the Mixcloud Terms of Use and the Mixcloud Rules.
Failure to comply with these Terms of Use may result in your ability to use Creator Subscriptions being removed and all subscriptions to your profile being removed and possibly refunded.
Please make sure that you do not take part in the following activities:
- Buying engagement (plays, favourites, reposts etc) or inflating engagement through means other than those allowed by the Mixcloud Terms of Use
- Using imagery that is violent, pornographic, or drug-related
- Uploading content that you do not own the copyright to, such as a rip or recording of another person’s live show or an unreleased show
If you are found to be in breach of these rules, your account will be removed from using Creator Subscriptions and Pro without warning.